Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Coconut Oil for acne

Recently, for various lifestyle reasons, I began consuming a lot of sugar. Now I don't believe in strict diets that are more pain than anything, therefore I looked for something to regulate the effects of large amounts of sugar.

I remembered that coconut oil used to be really useful when I broke out because of large amounts of sugar, so I started implementing 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil per day into my diet.
It takes about... 1-2 seconds and then I'm set.

To my surprise, my skin looks better now than ever before, it glows and everything is super smooth. And even with all the extra sugar, I'm not breaking out!.

Read more about coconut oil for acne http://www.acneisdead.com/coconut-acne.php

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Facial Steam

Alright, so last night I did the facial steam and I taped it... yeah, it was interesting taping it and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to do some heavy editing because watching me steam for 10 minutes isn't exactly exciting. However, even today I see results, and I know that by tomorrow evening there will be huge improvements.

I can't wait!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Deviating off your acne regimen

Before when I used to get pimples, I would freak out because it was something horrible that was happening and I had no control over it.

Nowadays, when I know what triggers my acne and what I can do to get rid of it, I feel at ease even if I do get a pimple or two. Although I still have the same hate for them, I realize and know why they are there, and I treat them as a friendly reminder that I should put my body back on track in terms of health.

Sometimes it's just because I've been eating something bad in excess, or sometimes it's something as simple as not getting sleep 3-4 days in a row. Regardless, it always gives me a chance to use my home acne remedy treatment http://www.acneisdead.com and validate it's efficiency.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Why using acne creams is pointless!

Let's see.... everyone is rushing to buy creams to treat acne.

Here's a story to explain why creams is pointless.

Imagine a lake, with stagnant water.... flies and bacteria would build up on it. And soon enough it would be completely overrun by pests.

Now, wanting to 'fix' the pond and rid all the flies and harmful bacteria, a group of people dumped a bunch of pesticide on top of the lake. Yeah, it managed to kill all the flies for a little while, but quickly enough, it made the quality of the water in the lakeeven worse. And soon enough, the flies and bacteria came back, this time immune to the pesticide. Now, the lake is in worse shape than ever, and flies and bacteria are still overwhelming the area.
This is what happens when you apply creams to your face.

Now imagine, instead of applying pesticides, they decided to increase the water circulation in the lake. If the irrigated a few channels, maybe installed a pump, the water would be flowing and the health of the lake would be restored. Flies and bacteria would naturally go away permanently.

This is what happens when you cure your acne from the inside out.
This is what I have done to cure my acne, and others have as well. I wrote it all down for free to help as many people as possible. www.acneisdead.com

All the information was taken from medical journals, acne.org and personal experience. Enjoy