Tuesday, November 06, 2007

New acne remedies coming soon

There have been new developments in the field of acne medicine, expect new solutions coming shortly

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Horseshoe rules and acne - Let me explain you how it relates

When you're playing horseshoe, you need to get really close to the stake in order to win. When you're dealing with acne, the same concept applies, you just need to get really close to figuring out what is triggering your acne and then you clear up your face. You don't need to know exactly what triggers your acne, just approximately.

In addition, physical exercise (hint, here are some horseshoe rules) are going to do wonders for relaxing and invigorating your body.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

oh man

Ok ok, so it seems that the old accounts for blogger are going to be merging into new super google accounts. I don't know how that's going to affect my acne home remedy site because I try to plug it every time. Actually, it probably won't make a difference. I'll still tell people how to cure their acne for free, and people will still find my page.

Google, you're so big.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Acne home remeides

You know, sometimes I just can't figure out why there are so many different acne home remedies that don't work. You would imagine that the critical factor to popularizing a remedy would be the fact that it works.


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Acne oils

These days, there seems to be too much concern over how to get rid of the NATURAL oil that your face produces. Its completely absurd and I have decided to rant about acne oils on my acneisdead website.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The absolute best food for acne

The best food for acne... it's definitely a close race.

Well let's name the candidates: lemons, salmon, garlic and broccoli.

Lemons have a ridiculous ability to clean out your system of any junk and alkaline your body at the same time. They help fight infections, promote regeneration and have a lot of Vitamin C.

Salmon contains fats that regularize the body and have anti-inflammatory effect. In fact, wild salmon is probably one of the best building blocks I can think of and is very highly recommended for acne sufferers.

Garlic has strong antibiotic properties and helps boost your immune system to new levels, unfortunately it produces a horrible smell and will be disqualified for this.

Broccoli is often overlooked as its effects aren't as apparent as the others, but consuming fresh broccoli on a daily basis does wonders for acne.

We already concluded that garlic was out of the question, lemons is a fruit and is hard to consume raw.. it's much better in a lemon juice form (see acne lemon juice).
So that leaves broccoli and salmon.

Broccoli is amazing but I definitely saw more improvements by eating wild salmon daily, it really impressed me what kind of effects it could have on my entire body. The puffiness around my eyes disappeared, the acne faded away, it was amazing. Now broccoli is a close second, but to be as effective I had to consume larger amounts, and I'm biased since I prefer the taste of wild smoked salmon.

So the crowned winner for the best acne food ever goes to salmon!
Read more about foods for acne at Acneisdead

Monday, October 30, 2006

Acne home remedy

Now, I've been searching all over the internet for other sites that have acne home remedies so that I may join forces with them... but it looks like there really isn't. Apart from curezone, there are no acne sites that aren't trying to shove something down your throat.
They are always trying to sell you things, it's disgusting.

Anyhow, my acne home remedy seems to be the best one out there right now. I'm proud of that! If someone has a better site, let me know!